AnyDesk este o aplicatie ce permite accesarea de la distanta a calculatoarelor, serverelor si chiar a telefoanelor mobile, ce ofera o conectivitate puternica si este compatibila cu o multitudine de distributii si versiuni ale celor mai cunoscute sisteme de operare cum ar fi: Linux, Windows, Mac OS si Android. AnyDesk poate fi utilizat confortabil atat pentru lucru individual, pentru echipe mici, cat si pentru organizatii care ofera asistenta de la distanta clientilor.
Daca nu avem un telefon foarte performant sau daca update-urile de la facebook ne ocupa prea mult spatiu, folosim o alternativa usoara care consuma putine resurse numita “maki”:
It seems like every browser has a hidden game these days. Chrome has a dinosaur game, Edge has surfing, and Firefox has . . . unicorn pong? Yep, you read that right—here’s how to play it.
Sweep is a tool built into the Outlook web app for clearing emails from your Inbox. It’s a bit simpler to use than rules, but it doesn’t have all the complexity and power of rules. However, it’s more than enough for this job.