Cum activam logurile de protocol pentru toti conectorii Exchange 2010 (SEND CONECTOR) Power Shell Data 04/12/2020 Autor Gabriel Nitu -11 1922 Dorim sa activam logurile de protocol pentru toti conectorii ca sa putem sa facem troubleshooting. [mai mult...]
How to remove background of a picture in Powerpoint Data 11/10/2020 Autor Bogdan Dordea -11 2077 You have an image with a complicated background (not a solid color), and you need to remove the background to be able to use it in the presentation. [mai mult...]
How to make transparent background in a picture in Powerpoint Data 11/10/2020 Autor Bogdan Dordea -15 2107 When you have a picture with a single color background, and you need to use it in a presentation, but you need to make the background transparent. [mai mult...]
Cum permitem contului de gmail sa fie conectat in outlook Data 22/05/2020 Autor Gabriel Nitu -18 2513 Vrem sa adaugam contul de gmail in outlook. [mai mult...]
How to use Pivot Tables to recognize and make sense of data Data 07/03/2020 Autor Bogdan Dordea -14 3905 How to use pivot tables in excel [mai mult...]
How to remove duplicates in Excel Data 29/02/2020 Autor Bogdan Dordea -21 4166 It’s needed to remove duplicates in an excel file. [mai mult...]