
Comanda File Compare in Command Prompt

Comanda FC (File Compare) face o comparatie binara sau ascii a doua fisiere si ne va afisa toate diferentele pe care le gaseste. Pentru a compara doua fisiere ascii sintaxa este Fc /a Fisier1.txt Fisier2.txt.

Fc /b Pic1.jpg Pic2.jpg va face o comparatie binara intre doua imagini.

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How to Fix ‘The Local Device Name is Already in Use’ Error on Windows

“The Local Device Name is already in Use” error is related to network drive mapping and it’s quite a common occurrence among people who work with network-based systems on a daily basis. The problem appears when trying to access a network drive and the following error message appears:

An error occurred while reconnecting <drive letter> to <file path> Microsoft Windows Network: The local device name is already in use. This connection has not been restored.

It appears when users are trying to access files in a shared folder or when trying to map certain drives on the network domain. Follow the methods we have prepared in order to resolve the problem!

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