
Benefits of changing your password regularly

Changing passwords frequently is a commonly recommended security practice, but it’s worth noting that the importance of frequent password changes has been debated in recent years. However, there are still some valid reasons why changing passwords periodically can enhance your online security:

  1. Mitigating Data Breaches: If a website or service you use experiences a data breach, your login credentials could be compromised. Changing your password regularly reduces the window of opportunity for attackers to misuse your account.
  2. Account Security: Regularly changing your passwords makes it more difficult for unauthorized users to access your accounts. Even if someone manages to obtain your old password, it will become useless once you change it.
  3. Multiple Account Protection: Many people use the same password for multiple accounts. If one of these accounts is compromised and you reuse passwords, all your other accounts become vulnerable. Regularly changing passwords reduces the risk associated with password reuse.
  4. Phishing Attacks: Phishing attacks trick users into revealing their passwords. If you unknowingly fall victim to a phishing scam, changing your password promptly can prevent the attacker from accessing your account.
  5. Weak or Guessed Passwords: If you’re using weak passwords or passwords that are easy to guess (like “password123” or your birthdate), changing them regularly ensures that even if someone tries to crack your password, it will change before they succeed.
  6. Employee Turnover: In a corporate or organizational context, changing passwords regularly is crucial, especially when employees leave or change roles. It prevents former employees from accessing sensitive company data.
  7. Compliance Requirements: Some regulatory standards and corporate policies mandate regular password changes as a security measure.

Despite these reasons, it’s important to note that frequent password changes are not the only solution to account security. Using strong, unique passwords for each account, enabling two-factor authentication, and staying vigilant against phishing attempts are equally important practices in maintaining robust online security.

Additionally, advancements in technology, such as biometric authentication and password managers, are changing the landscape of password security, making the emphasis on frequent password changes less significant than before.

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Open the Windows Snipping Tool with a keyboard shortcut

Need to quickly take a screenshot on your PC? If so, Windows’ built-in Snipping Tool is just a keyboard shortcut away.

Press Windows+Shift+S to open the Snipping Tool on Windows 10 or Windows 11. The Snipping Tool can take rectangular region screenshots, full-screen screenshots, screenshots of a specific window, or freeform screenshots. You can also draw on a screenshot before you save it.

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Ce inseamna PCI Express

PCI Express (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express) E slotul (sau sloturile) de pe placa de baza unde se conecteaza placile video.
  • PCI Express e mult, mult mai rapid decat vechiile PCI si AGP
  • Latimea de banda e mult mai larga decat la cele din urma
  • Are mai multe benzi de circulatie prin care trimite si primeste datrele, iar o singura banda PCI Express e mult mai rapida decat una AGP sau PCI
  • Se conecteaza direct la northbridge (PCI se conecta la southbridge ). Da, si AGP se conecta la northbridge, dar nu avea atatea lane-uri, “benzi de circulatie” a datelor ca si PCI Express, iar cele pe care le avea erau mult mai lente.
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