

Un mic instrument pentru detectarea conexiunilor suspecte NTLM privilegiate, în special atac Pass-The-Hash, pe baza jurnalelor de vizualizare a evenimentelor.


Contul cu următoarele privilegii:

  • Acces la jurnalele de evenimente de securitate ale mașinilor la distanță
  • Permisii de citire ActiveDirectory (cont de domeniu standard)
  • Calculatoare sincronizate cu același timp, altfel poate afecta rezultatele
  • Minimum PowerShell 2.0
Prezentare generală

Ketshash este un instrument pentru detectarea conexiunilor NTLM privilegiate, bazate pe următoarele informații:

  • Jurnalele de evenimente de securitate pe mașinile monitorizate (evenimente de conectare)
  • Evenimente de autentificare din Active Directory
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Manjaro doesn’t boot, boots to a black screen, or stops at a message.

While there are many potential reasons why your Manjaro installation doesn’t boot to a desktop, the primary reason is that the graphics drivers haven’t loaded correctly so your login/display manager (DM) doesn’t start. This is why you get a “black screen” or stuck at an message.

The normal reason for this is that you have the incorrect driver version for the kernel. This happens when the mirror you are updating from is not fully synchronised and so has different sets of packages in [core] and [extra]. This means the driver extramodule package in [extra] has been built for a different kernel point-release than that in [core].

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