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Cum sa generam un Hard Virtual in HyperV?
Ne aflam in situatia in care dorim sa generam un HDD Virtual prin intermediul Hyper V.
[mai mult...]Chrome Userdata Corruption (Blank Pages)
Ne aflam in situatia in care dorim sa deschidem Chrome, insa toate paginile, incluzand cele de setari, apar ca blank si sunt inutilizabile. Aceasta problema este cauzata de coruperea folder-ului “User” din AppData/Local/Google/Chrome.
[mai mult...]NAV – completare cod compartiment la nivel de articol
Microsoft Dynamics NAV – completare cod compartiment la nivel de articol
[mai mult...]Bulk Crap-uninstaller
[mai mult...]How to Change Your Spotify Username
Changing an online username is something that everyone does at some point. If you’re a Spotify user, you have the option to change your username, too. It’s easy to do and we’ll show you how it’s done.
To be specific, Spotify allows you to change your “display name.” This is what appears on your profile and playlists. You technically can’t change your “username,” but for all intents and purposes, changing your display name is enough.
[mai mult...]