Ne aflam in situatia in care avem instalata sau dorim instalarea aplicatiei Epic Launcher, dar dorim ca la pornirea PC-ului sau a acesteia, sa ruleze minimizat.
Using the Shortcuts app (included on every iPhone running iOS 13 or higher) you can trigger an action at sunrise or sunset. This can come in handy for setting alarms, playing music, and other tasks. Here’s how to set it up.
Microsoft Outlook uses vCalendar files to exchange information about meetings and appointments with others in your home or organization. With vCalendar files, you can easily schedule appointments with others even if they’re not using Outlook as their primary calendar.
If you’re experiencing slow performance while browsing the web with Microsoft Edge, you can use Edge’s built-in Browser Task Manager to identify which sites or extensions might be bogging down your system with heavy resource usage. Here’s how to use it.