Configurare program
How to uninstall the Phone link app in Windows 10
If you wish to uninstall the Phone link app you will notice the uninstall button is grayed out.
[mai mult...]How to get rid of “Not secure” mark in Edge browser by Changing Edge flags to suppress the “Not secure” message
In order to remove the “Not secure” mark in Edge the following can be done:
[mai mult...]How to get rid of “Not secure” mark in Edge browser by Configuring OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin policy
This policy can specify a list of origins (URLs) or hostname patterns for which security restrictions on insecure origins don’t apply. This policy also prevents the origin from being labeled “Not Secure”.
[mai mult...]How to convert an Image to JPG format
Many websites have strict rules that limit the size and type of image format you’re allowed to upload. With JPG being the go-to file format of the internet, we’re going to take a look at how you can convert your images into JPG format.
[mai mult...]