McAfee nu se poate actualiza din cauza unei erori care cere verificarea conexiuni la internet. Cauza este de cele mai multe ori o intrare corupta in registrii windows.
You could have at some point got one of these common error messages flashing on your computer screen while opening a file – Cannot delete file Access is denied or The source or destination file may in be in use ornd The file is in use by another program or user.
While there can be other reasons too, Malware infection is one of the possible reasons for these errors. It means that the files you want to delete might have got lock down or infected with some malware and thus are undeletable.
FileASSASSIN is a safe freeware that will allow you to delete locked or undeletable files and folders on your Windows PC which may have been deposited by malware. This post will review FileASSASSIN from Malwarebytes.
The tool comes with a plain and simple overview, and there are no particular menu or option settings available. You can simply drag and drop the LOCKED file or browse it from your PC or browse the files/folders you want to delete.
In cazul in care cream campuri carora le dam optiunea de cautare iar aceasta nu apar in Global Search, in primul rand verificam criterul de cautare a acestui camp.