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Cum se activeaza DNS over HTTPS in Mozilla Firefox

Browser-ul Mozilla Firefox are suport incorporat pentru protocolul DNS over HTTPS (DoH) in mod nativ pentru a permite ca interogarile DNS sa fie transmise in siguranta si criptat prin protocolul HTTPS, in comparatie cu cautarile DNS clasice care sunt trimise in format plain text pentru a obtine IP-urile pentru numele domeniilor. DNS over HTTPS (DoH) va ajuta sa va protejati confidentialitatea si securitatea online prin criptarea interogarilor DNS.
Pentru a activa DNS over HTTPS in Mozilla Firefox se vor urma pasii de mai jos.

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How to enable new Task Manager on Windows 11

Starting on Windows 11 build 22538, you can now enable an early preview of the new Task Manager that brings a new design using rounded corners, mica material, and new iconography that matches the new design language we have seen across the latest version of the OS available through the Windows Insider Program.

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How to Use Spoiler Formatting for Messages in Telegram

Photo of a message with spoiler formatting in Telegram app on iPhone.

Using the spoiler formatting means other members won’t have to mute chats to avoid seeing spoilers. Spoilers are revealed only to the people who interact with them. Even if someone replies to the spoiler message, the formatting remains intact. This feature is available in the latest update of Telegram’s desktop app for Windows, Mac, or Linux, as well as the mobile app for Android, iPhone, and iPad.

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