Configurare program

Shortcut rulare Command Prompt cu drepturi de Administrator

Command Prompt-ul este un tool pe care il folosim extrem de des in activitatea noastra, iar majoritatea comezilor pe care le folosim trebuie rulate cu privilegii de administrator. In aceasta solutie o sa va arat cum folosind o combinatie de taste se va deschide o fereastra CMD cu privilegii de admin. Avem instalat pe desktop Windows 8, dar pasii de mai jos sunt valabili si pe Windows 10.

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How to Shrink or Expand Cells to Fit Text in Microsoft Excel

When entering data in Excel, you’ll notice cells have limited space for displaying their contents. This can cause data to display cut off. Whether text or numbers, you can automatically resize cells to fit the contents. You can certainly adjust the sizes of cells in columns and rows manually in Microsoft Excel. But for a quick way to shrink or expand cells to fit the text or numbers, you can use one of these easy automatic methods.

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