Configurare Sistem de operare
Where’s the ‘Task Manager’ on a Mac?
If you’re a veteran of Windows, you’re probably familiar with using Task Manager to deal with applications that freeze or checking memory usage. On a Mac, those tasks fall to a Force Quit dialog or a utility called Activity Monitor, which has shipped with every version of Mac OS X and macOS since 2000. Here’s how to use them.
[mai mult...]Cum sa activezi remote desktop folosing Powershell
Se doreste activarea Remote Desktop pentru accesare de la distanta.
[mai mult...]Cum sa activezi remote desktop folosing CMD
Doresti sa activezi remote desktop pentru a te putea conecta de la distanta pe statie/server
[mai mult...]Cum sa schimb parola Windows daca esti conectat prin Remote Desktop pe statie/server
Se doreste schimbarea parolei contului local al unui calculator la care suntem conectati prin RDP
[mai mult...]Cum sa muti un folder dintr-un ESXI in altul folosing consola
Se doreste mutarea/copierea unui folder dintr-un datastore aflat intr-un ESXI, in altul. Putem face acest lucru pentru a migra o masina.
[mai mult...]