HP display doesn’t wake up or screen goes black with DisplayPort connection
The cause is DisplayPort detection issue on some graphics cards when monitor is connected to the computer via DisplayPort – DisplayPort cable.
[mai mult...]Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
The cause is DisplayPort detection issue on some graphics cards when monitor is connected to the computer via DisplayPort – DisplayPort cable.
[mai mult...]Dorim trimiterea unui e-mail catre o anumita adresa, dar primit NDR- adica nu s-a trimis, cu eroarea:
“None of your e-mail accounts could send to this recipient“
[mai mult...]Windows 10 calculator missing or crashing might be caused by a handful of issues. It could be the result of settings messed up by a recent update. System files that are corrupt or missing might make the calculator glitch. Even something as simple as using the wrong account to log in to the computer could be the culprit.
[mai mult...]How to create a cleanup tool using a batch file.
First open a notepad, paste the following and save as a batch file( .bat extension).
[mai mult...]iTunes is a mobile device management application that was developed by Apple. This application can also be used as a media library and many other multimedia purposes. The application is basically used to manage digital multimedia files on macOS and Windows. However, quite recently, a lot of reports have been coming in of users who are unable to update their devices and a “There was a Problem Downloading the Software for the iPhone. An unknown error occurred Error 9006” is seen while trying to download the update.
Softul Debian utilizeaza sistemul de pachete DPKG care furnizeaza programe si aplicatii pentru instalare. Datorita acestui sistem utilizatorii nu sunt nevoiti sa construiasca programe de la 0. Tool-ul necesar pentru acest sistem de pachete este APT ( advanced package tool), uneori acest instrument nu functioneaza pe sistemele de operare Macintosh (macOS) si returneaza eroarea “sudo: apt-get: command not found”.