Personalizare sistem operare

How to disable System Sound Notifications in Windows 10

In order to disable to the System notification sounds in Windows 10 you have to follow a few simple steps.

Type sound in start,open Sound Settings and click on Sound Control Panel option on the top right  side of the window.

Now navigate to the Sounds tab and either choose No Sounds from the drop down meniu in order to disable all alerts or choose individual ones from the list below, followed by Applying the settings.

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Cum sa instalezi RSAT in Windows 10 1809

Versiunea de Windows 10 1809 include pachetul pentru Remote Server Administration Tools, ceea ce inseamna ca nu mai este nevoie sa il descarcati de pe site-ul celor de la Microsoft.

Pentru a instala aceasta optiune, deschideti Add or Remove Programs,apoi faceti click pe Manage optional features, iar in noua fereastra apasati pe Add a feature, si derulati pagina pana ajungeti la optiunile RSAT, din care selectati pachetul aferent nevoilor voastre.




















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