Activare task PerformRemediation din Task Scheduler Data 11/01/2019 Autor Daniel Chr Categorie Aplicatii specifice, Configurare program, OS - Windows -6 960 Configurare noua (How To) SituatieCum activam task-ul Perform Remediation, din Task Scheduler? Solutie Pasi de urmat Deschidem din “Start”, Task Scheduler. Urmam calea Microsoft > Windows > WaaSMedic Deschidem PerformRemediation si din sectiunea Triggers, setam cand acesta sa ruleze automat. Tip solutiePermanent Etichetare: activare task performremediation Voteaza Up Down (18 din 42 persoane apreciaza acest articol) ShareTweetShare Despre Autor Daniel Chr Solutii Asemanatoare How to add multiple time zone clocks on Windows 11 from Settings app -1 How to Enable Enhanced Protection for Safe Browsing -1 How to resolve hotkey conflicts in Windows 10/11 -2 How to create a Custom Linux App Menu with Zenity 0 How to restore a SQL database without a valid security file 1 How to fix backup files that are not visible in SQL Server Management Studio for restore 1 Leave A Comment? × Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. one + 8 =
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