Editeaza pagini web direct din android folosint DroidEdit

Configurare noua (How To)


Aceasta aplicatie se adreseaza in mod special programatorilor.
Vi sa intamplat cu siguranta ca de multe ori sa va sune cineva ca este o problema cu un anumit script/cod si sa fiti nevoiti sa ajungeti la laptop ca sa puteti sa faceti debug la cod, ei bine de astazi o sa fie totul mai simplu.
De ce? Deoarece o sa poti sa-ti editezi codul si de ce nu daca ai rabdare sa-l rescrii complet direct de pe telefonul mobil.


Aplicatia se numeste DroidEdit Free si poate fi descarcata din Play Store sau de la acest link.

Ce ofera aplicatia?

DroidEdit is a text and source code editor (similar to Notepad++ or gedit) for android tablets and phones with the following features:

★ Syntax Highlighting for several languages (C, C++, C#, Java, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, Ruby, Lua, LaTeX, SQL, …)
★ Several color themes
★ Infinite undo & redo
★ Search & replace
★ Auto & block indentation
★ Keep opened files and changes between sessions
★ Open files directly from dropbox or a file manager
★ Character encoding support
★ Keyboard shortcuts (List below)
★ Share documents with other services (dropbox, email, …)
★ Preview HTML files in browser
★ Bracket matching
★ Go to line
★ Run Scripts in SL4A directly
★ Configurable Shortcuts

Pro version only features:

★ SFTP/FTP support
★ Dropbox, Drive, Box support
★ Custom themes
★ Run external commands through SSH
★ Root mode

Using different character encodings:

★ To open a document with a different character encoding than the default: long press the open file button
★ To create a new document with a different character encoding than the default: long press the new file button
★ You can make this behavior the default in the preference screen

Deci este absolut o necesitate care trebuie sa fie nelipsita din telefonul oricarui programator.

Tip solutie



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