How to solve error 1068 on Windows part 2

Configurare noua (How To)


When you attempts to connect your system to a wireless network, if you’re getting the Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start error on your Windows computer, it could be super frustrating. Don’t worry. You’re certainly not the only one. We’ve seen many users are reporting this issue. More importantly, you can fix it with the solutions here.


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Repair your registry

When your system settings are not configured properly, this error may also occur. You can solve it through repairing your registry.

On your keyboard, hold down the Windows logo key and press R to bring up the Run box.

Type regedit, then press Enter.

Click Yes when prompted by User Account Control.

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services.

Right-click Dhcp under the Services section to select Export.
Give a name for the backup file, say Dhcp backup. Then select a backup address and click Save. You can restore the file from this backup if any error occurs during the process below.

Double-click DependOnService on the right pane of Dhcp. Select all the words except “Afd”, then delete them.

Right-click Eaphost under the Services section to select Export.
Give a name for the backup file, say Eaphost backup.Then select a backup address and click Save.

Double-click DependOnService on the right pane of Eaphost. Select all the words and delete them.

Close the Registry Editor window and reboot your Windows computer. Check if the error disappears.

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