How to Turn off Phone Noise Cancellation on iPhone

Configurare noua (How To)


By default, iPhones use noise cancellation to reduce ambient background noise on phone calls placed through the Phone app. While noise cancellation is great for most calls, some people find it disorienting.


First, open the “Settings” on your iPhone.

Tap the "Settings" icon on iPhone

In Settings, navigate to “Accessibility.”

Tap Accessibility in Settings on iPhone or iPad

Scroll down to the Hearing section and tap “Audio/Visual.”

In Accessibility settings on iPhome, tap "Audio/Visual"

Tap the “Phone Noise Cancellation” switch to turn it off.

In Audio/Visual settings, tap "Phone Noise Cancellation."

You might want to go back one screen to make sure the change registers. You can then exit Settings. The next time you place or receive a phone call, noise cancellation will be disabled.

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