Multi-function printer – paper feed blockage message during scans after cleaning

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When using the tray/automatic paper pick-up system for scanning, it will be noticed that sometimes the paper remains blocked. In these cases, the MFP displays an error message and recommends opening an access hatch specific to the need to remove the jammed papers. After performing the intervention and closing the hatch, the message will disappear, but this does not always happen.


A possible solution for the persistence of the message after cleaning is the realignment of an essential component of the system that loads up the papers:

More precisely, this cylinder (equipped with gears at least at one end) can oscillate on the mentioned axis (in the horizontal plane / perpendicular to the bases); a consequence of this is that contact may be lost between the gears on the cylinder and those connected to the multi-functional printer’s motor system, thus making it unable to pick up the papers (as it would spin “idling”).

For some MFP models we will notice that after opening the access hatch specific to this cylinder and repositioning it we will successfully eliminate the error message and restore the functionality of the multi-function printer.

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