While digital signatures have become a popular way to sign documents, you may have a document of your own where you just want to handwrite your signature. Using Google’s drawing tool, you can create and insert your signature easily.
Create and Insert Your Signature
Have you used the Google Drawings website to create a signature already? If so, you can simply embed that drawing into your document rather than making a new signature.
To start creating a new signature, visit Google Docs, sign in, and open your document. Place your cursor in your document where you want to insert the signature. In the menu, click Insert > Drawing and choose “New.”
The Google drawing tool opens with a big, blank canvas for your signature. Click the Select a Line drop-down box and pick “Scribble.”
Draw your signature using the plus sign that appears. You can make it a single, flowing line or a few put together. If you have one, you may want to use your iPad as a drawings tablet for this.
Next, you can adjust the line color, width, or style if you like. Select the signature or each piece of it and choose a tool drop-down box for your options.
When you’re happy with the signature, click “Save and Close” to insert it into your document.
The drawing tool will close, and you’ll return to your document with your signature ready to go.
Edit or Position Your Signature
Once you place the drawing into your document, it appears as an image. This allows you to choose its position in relation to the other text and adjust the size and rotation. You can also edit it after you insert it if needed.
Select the image and use the options in the floating toolbar that appears beneath. You’ll see options to edit the signature (which reopens the drawing tool), arrange the signature with the text, or view all image options.
You can also resize the signature by dragging a corner or edge or align it in the document using the options in the toolbar.
Google’s drawing tool makes it easy to create and insert a signature in Google Docs. And if you use Microsoft Word in addition to Google Docs, take a look at how to insert a signature into a Word document too.
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