
How to Create a Swap File on Linux

Swap Files vs. Swap Partitions

There are several scenarios where you might want to increase existing or add new swap space to your Linux computer.

  • Perhaps your swap space is frequently running at maximum or close to maximum.
  • It’s easy to click the wrong option during the installation process and to decline adding swap to your system inadvertently.
  • Maybe you previously decided that you had so much random access memory (RAM) you didn’t need any swap, and you’ve changed your mind.
  • Sometimes you inherit the administration of a system that has no swap, for reasons you’ll never be able to discover.
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How to Change User Data With chfn and usermod on Linux

If you use a Linux or Unix-like computer, you’ll have a user account. The name given to the account is your user account name. This is the name you use to log in with. It’s also (by default) the name of your login group and the name of your home directory. They all use the same identifier.

There is another set of information that can be stored for each user account. Real-world data such as the person’s full name, their office number, and their work telephone number, for example, can be defined and attached to them. Indeed, completely arbitrary snippets of information can be tagged to user accounts.

In practical terms, this will be more useful for system administrators looking after computers that have many user accounts configured on them. But even for the single-user Linux computer, it’s always interesting to know what’s going on beneath the hood.

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