
Why you should use a password manager

Using a password manager is highly recommended for several important reasons:

  1. Enhanced Security: Password managers generate strong, complex, and unique passwords for each of your accounts. This makes it significantly harder for attackers to guess or crack your passwords, especially when compared to using weak or easily guessable passwords.
  2. Convenience: Password managers store all your login credentials in one secure location, which you can access with a single master password or biometric authentication (such as fingerprint or face recognition). This eliminates the need to remember multiple passwords, making your online life more convenient.
  3. Protection Against Phishing: Password managers can help protect you against phishing attacks. Since they automatically fill in your login details, you’re less likely to fall for phishing websites that mimic legitimate login pages.
  4. Password Rotation: Many password managers offer password change reminders and can help you rotate your passwords at regular intervals, reducing the risk of a compromised account due to stale credentials.
  5. Secure Storage: Password managers use strong encryption to protect your password database. This ensures that even if your device is compromised, your passwords remain secure.
  6. Cross-Platform Support: Most password managers are available on various platforms and devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. This allows you to access your passwords from anywhere.
  7. Auto-Fill: Password managers can automatically fill in login forms, making it quicker and easier to log into websites and apps.
  8. Password Generation: Password managers can create complex, random passwords for you, removing the need to come up with your own, often weaker, passwords.
  9. Organization: Password managers often allow you to categorize and organize your passwords, making it easy to find the credentials you need.
  10. Secure Sharing: Some password managers offer secure sharing features, allowing you to share passwords with trusted individuals without exposing the actual password.
  11. Audit and Monitoring: Some password managers provide password strength assessment and alert you if any of your passwords are compromised in a data breach, prompting you to change them.
  12. Backup and Recovery: Password managers typically have backup and recovery options to ensure you don’t lose access to your stored passwords.
  13. Encourages Better Security Habits: By using a password manager, you’re more likely to adopt good security practices, such as using unique passwords for each account and regularly updating them.
  14. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Integration: Many password managers integrate with MFA tools, adding an extra layer of security to your accounts.

In today’s digital age, where cyber threats are prevalent, using a password manager is a simple yet highly effective way to protect your online accounts and personal information. It not only strengthens your security posture but also simplifies your online experience by reducing the burden of password management.

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How to set up email addresses in Plesk

Follow these steps to create a new email address in Plesk with the Power-user interface:

  1. Open the Mail menu from the left column of the Plesk panel
  2. Click the Create email address button
  3. Enter the local part of the address (before the @ symbol) alongside the Email Address field
  4. Select the domain name for the address from the drop-down to the right of the @ symbol
  5. Select if you want to allow access to the customer Plesk panel using this email address using the tick-box for Access to the Customer Panel
  6. Enter a password for the email and re-enter into the confirm password field or select Generate to automatically generate a password for the address
  7. You can select to apply the default mailbox size or select Another size to set a disk space quota for the mailbox
  8. Optional: You can enter a description for the email address into the Description in Plesk field, or you can leave this field blank
  9. Click OK at the bottom of the page to create the address.
Service Provider interface

Follow these steps to create a new email address in Plesk with the Service-provider interface:

  1. Open the domains menu from the left column of the Plesk panel.
  2. Click the domain name that you want to create an email address for from the list on the following page
  3. Click the Mail or Email Addresses link from the domain control panel page
  4. Click the Create email address button to add a new address
  5. Enter the local part of the address (before the @ symbol) alongside the Email Address field
  6. Enter a password for the email and re-enter into the confirm password field or select Generate to automatically generate a password for the address
  7. You can select to apply the default mailbox size or select Another size to set a disk space quota for the mailbox
  8. Optional: You can enter a description for the email address into the Description in Plesk field, or you can leave this field blank
  9. Click OK at the bottom of the page to create the address.
Email Client Settings

The following settings can be used to add the address to an email client application/device:

Account type: POP or IMAP
Incoming server:
Username: full email address
Password: Enter the mailbox password for the address
Incoming Port: 110 for POP accounts, 143 for IMAP accounts.
Outgoing server:
Authentication: Authentication is required for outgoing mail, using the same username/password as incoming settings.
Outgoing Port: 25

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How to fix Unmet dependencies error during Package Installation or upgrade

Unmet dependencies are quite a common problem that you will find while installing the package, especially if the package is coming from a PPA source where their latest build is not compatible with your Ubuntu installation.

apt - How do I resolve unmet dependencies after adding a PPA? - Ask Ubuntu

What has Caused the Unmet Dependencies?

  • The main cause of this error is when you try to install an older version of a program or an application using the PPA.
  • But why does the system throw an error when we can install an older version of the program? Shouldn’t we install old programm?
  • Of course, you can install an older version of the package, but the issue is that the latest version of the application or your Ubuntu installation may require a specific version of dependencies, which may not be available on your system.

Even if you manage to get an older dependency on your system, you will not be allowed to install a lower version of the library to prevent your system from going into an unstable state.

But there are times when even the latest version of the application fails to install because of an interruption while installing or a corrupted system database, or else you might have held the package for the upgrade, which can also contribute to the installation failure.

Methods Available to fix the Unmet Dependencies Error

Sometimes, due to an interruption or conflict with the package installation, it gets aborted in the middle of nowhere, and because of that, when you try to install the package again, you will see the unmet dependencies.

To resolve such an issue, you can use the -f or --fix-broken flag, which will attempt to fix any broken dependencies by installing missing packages or removing conflicting ones.

$ sudo apt install -f
$ sudo apt install --fix-broken
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure  --force <package-name>

Always, alternative options are available in Linux, and here also, you can use aptitude instead of apt to install packages, which will automatically try to resolve any dependency issues and fix the installation failure.

The syntax of Aptitude is similar to that of APT, but it offers more advanced features. However, you will not find aptitude preinstalled, so to use it, you need to run this:

$ sudo apt install aptitude

Once Aptitude is available for use, run the following command with the package name that you want to install and follow the on-screen instructions.

$ sudo aptitude install <package-name>

If everything goes well, then the package will get installed.

There might be a possibility that you have marked some packages and libraries on hold for installation, and because of that, you are now getting an unmet dependencies error.

To fix this, you need to first check if there is any dependency program or library you have marked on hold by running the following command:

$ apt-mark showhold

If there are any packages, then you can execute the below command by replacing the right package name to unhold it and resolve the unmet dependencies error.

$ apt-mark unhold <package>

This can also be solved using the aptitude command, like once you try to install the application that gave you the error, then press q, and again try to install the package. If the application was held, then this small trick will solve the problem.

If you are sure that an unmet dependencies error occurred after adding the PPA, it would be highly recommended that you please remove the installed package and PPA.

To remove the PPA go to the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory and list out all the PPAs that have been installed on your system.

$ ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

Look out for the PPA name that is causing the error.

After that, remove any packages that you have installed using the PPA by executing the next line of command:

$ sudo apt autoremove --purge <package-name>

Once you’re done with the above step, execute the last command to remove the PPA from your Ubuntu system.

$ sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/<ppa_name>.list

Next, make sure to run the following command to clean up the local repository cache and then update the system repository.

$ sudo apt autoclean
$ sudo apt update

If you want to reinstall the same application after removing PPA, I recommend you to install manually or using Snap, Flatpak, or AppImage instead of PPA. Some of the packages are not available in the default repository, and due to that, the required library packages are not getting installed, which can lead to dependency issues.

As you know, Ubuntu has three more repositories, which you can enable by executing the following command:

$ sudo add-apt-repository universe 
$ sudo add-apt-repository multiverse 
$ sudo add-apt-repository restricted 
  • If you want to enable repositories using the GUI, then press the dash button and search for “Software & Updates”.
  • Once it is open, check the following option, as shown in the below image, and close the application to reload the changes.
Enable and Disable Repositories using Software & Updates to resolve unmet dependencies
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