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Cum inseram un videoclip de pe YouTube in Microsoft Word

Pentru a insera un videoclip YouTube in documentul dvs. Word trebuie sa deschideti browser-ul Web si sa accesati YouTube. Alegeti videoclipul dorit si dati Share.

Alegeti Embed

Copiati textul si mai departe o sa va arat cum sa il inseram in Microsoft Word.

Deschideti un fisier Word

Dati Insert si selectati Online Video Media

Inserati textul din browser in Word la optiunea From a Video Embed Code

Acum videoclipul a fost inserat in fisierul dvs. Word.

[mai mult...]

How to Use the LinkedIn Resume Assistant in Microsoft Word

Resumes are important for job seekers but can also be tough to create. If you’d like extra help with which skills to include or how to best write your work experience, check out the LinkedIn Resume Assistant in Microsoft Word.

The Resume Assistant is available to Microsoft 365 subscribers. It’s a feature in Word for Microsoft 365 on both Windows and Mac. You can also use it with Word online using your personal account, but not with a work or school account. The tool is an English language feature.

[mai mult...]