If you’re tired of seeing Nintendo’s news channel advertisements every time you turn on your Nintendo Switch, it’s easy to unfollow multiple game news feeds (or news from Nintendo itself) using System Settings.
Like many other modern applications, Microsoft Teams offers a dark mode. It works in all versions of Teams, including the Windows, Mac, web, iPhone, iPad, and Android apps. Here’s how to turn on dark mode—and how to get light mode back if you prefer that.
Developer mode enables certain additional information in the Discord client, such as channel and message IDs for your server. If you’re developing a bot to monitor and post in a certain channel, for instance, you’ll need this information to point the bot in the right direction.
Discord has plenty of features for gamers and community builders, but if you don’t see the features you need, you’ll need to add a bot. If you’re a bot developer yourself, you may want to enable Discord’s developer mode first.
În mod implicit, ferestrele popup Firefox se deschid într-o fereastră nouă, mai degrabă decât într-o filă nouă. Dar dacă ați dori să se deschidă ferestre pop-up într-o filă nouă, nu într-o fereastră nouă?