Configurare program
Acces Point unifi ubiquiti nu aplica setarile/configurarile controller-ului
In controller-ul unifi modificam setarile access point-urilor (adaugam retele wireless, schimbam ip-uri, modificam SSID-ul), insa nu toate dispozitivele “adopta” noile setari.
[mai mult...]How to remove ads by update_3239 related Safari extensions:
Like most apps of this type, Update_3239 is designed to serve advertisements (e.g., banners, coupons, surveys, pop-up ads). Usually adware-type applications serve advertisements that are designed to promote/open questionable websites and/or even cause unwanted downloads, installations. Follow this tutorial to remove safari extensions related to Update_3239
[mai mult...]Cum setezi afisarea diacriticelor din subtitrarea filmelor
Pentru ca diacriticele sa fie afisate este nevoie ca fontul subitrarii sa aiba setata proprietatea “Central European”/”Easter European” (in functie de softul de vizualizare folosit).
Pentru exemplificare vom folosi programul BS.Player:
- Inainte de modificarea setarilor:
- Dupa modificarea setarilor:
Fix ZOOM – Unable To Connect. Make Sure You Are Connect To The Internet – Error Code 5003
[mai mult...]How to Remove Edge Browser Tabs From Alt+Tab on Windows 10
Starting with the October 2020 update, Windows 10 now shows Microsoft Edge browser tabs in the Alt+Tab task switcher by default. For some people, this may be handy. But, if you want to disable tabs in Alt+Tab, it’s easy to fix in Settings. Here’s how.
[mai mult...]