Configurare program

Cum se instaleaza Remmina ca Docker container

Remmina este un client de remote desktop care suporta RDP, VNC, SPICE, NX, XDMCP, SSH si EXEC. Instalat in Docker container acesta poate fi accesat direct din browser ceea ce ofera securitate prin https si deci putem accesa de oriunde resursele interne. Pentru instalare este nevoie de un ubuntu server cu docker si docker-compose.

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How to Open Mozilla Firefox Using Command Prompt on Windows 10

You can launch applications and programs using the Command Prompt—and Mozilla Firefox is no exception. You can also use Command Prompt to launch Firefox in Private Browsing mode or open a specific website on launch. Here’s how.

To launch Mozilla Firefox using Command Prompt, you’ll need to have already downloaded and installed Firefox on your Windows 10 PC.

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How to Set Up and Use the Google Assistant Workday Routine

Staying on task while working can be a challenge, especially at home, and it’s not just about productivity. Getting up to move around and drinking water is important too. Automate reminders for these things with the Google Assistant “Workday” routine.

“Routines” is a feature built into the Google Assistant and Nest smart speakers and displays. They enable you to create a string of actions to be executed with a single command or at set times. They can be extremely powerful if you take some time to set them up in the Google Home app.

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