Scanner not working is a common issue in Windows 10, especially in new Windows 10. If your scanner doesn’t work in Windows 10, don’t worry. You’re not a lone. Many Windows 10 users have reported this issue. You can fix the problem with one of the solutions below.
There are three solutions you can try to fix the problem. You may not have to try them all. Just try them one by one until you find the one that works for you.
When you plug in your Razer Blackwidow keyboard, your system will install a genetric driver automatically so that you can use its most basic functions. However, it can bump into problems sometimes.
Pentru testarea vitezei de internet direct din powershell sau din command prompt printr-o simpla comanda, este nevoie de instalarea aplicatiei Python(de preferat ultima versiune stabila) si se vor urma urmatorii pasi.
Uneori doriți să utilizați un singur nucleu, deoarece unele jocuri și aplicații rulează prost pe procesoare multi-core. Există o serie de moduri de a face acest lucru.