Pentru a verifica link-urile prescurtate puteti folosi extensia Aceasta extensie afiseaza link-ul original. Pentru a instala extensia urmariti pasii de mai jos:
Pentru a va organiza tab-uri din chrome puteti folosi extensia OneTab . Aceasta extensie compacteaza toate tab-urile deschise intr-o singura pagina. Pentru a instala extensia urmariti pasii de mai jos:
As an administrator, you need to be always on the lookout for any activity that bucks the usual trends, as they could be indicative of an attack. Users with sufficient administrative rights can create any number of user accounts in Active Directory. These accounts can then be used to manipulate or steal sensitive data. It is therefore crucial to monitor and track account creations regularly to prevent malicious users from stealing sensitive data and conducting fraudulent acts. Let’s take a look at two ways to generate a list of user accounts created in Active Directory.
Word documents open with one-inch margins by default. You can adjust the page margins by choosing one of Word’s predefined options, or you can specify the exact height and width of the margins yourself. Here’s how.