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Microsoft Word – adaugarea comenzilor Insert Rows Above&Below in Quick Access Toolbar

Implicit comenzile Insert Rows Above&Below nu exista in Quick Access Toolbar. Pentru a le accesa fara a avea acest shortcut-uri trebuie sa facem click dreapta intr-un rand din tabel si sa selectam comanda Insert – Insert rows.

Daca lucrati foarte mult cu tabele in Word adaugarea unui shortcut pentru a insera un nou rand va poate ajuta sa castigati timp. Vom exemplifica in Word 2010.

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How to Use Amazon Music Offline

Streaming music services are great until you’re stuck without an internet connection. That’s where downloading music for offline playback comes in. Like Spotify, Amazon Music supports downloading music for offline listening. We’ll show you how to do it.

To use the offline feature, you’ll need an Amazon Music Prime, Amazon Music Unlimited, or Amazon Music HD subscription. If you’re already an Amazon Prime member, you automatically get the Music Prime subscription. Offline music is supported on iPhone, iPad, and Android. The screenshots in this guide might look slightly different depending on your device, but the steps are exactly the same.

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How to Free Up Space on Your Kindle

Kindles have enough storage space for hundreds or thousands of ebooks, but it’s still possible to occasionally run into space issues—especially if you download a lot of audiobooks from Audible. Here’s how to free up space on your Kindle when you need to.

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