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How to Check If the Xbox Network (Xbox Live) Is Down

If you’re experiencing issues with the Xbox network’s online services, chances are that the service is down. Here’s how to check if the Xbox network (previously known as Xbox Live) is down. Microsoft (the maker of the Xbox) has put up a website telling users the status of various online Xbox services. With this site, you can quickly check whether a particular Xbox service is experiencing issues on the Microsoft end.

Another way to check the Xbox network’s online status is to use Downdetector. This site shows you all the outages reported in the last 24 hours and allows for checking the status for various regions.

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How to Set Up a Forwarding Email Address in Gmail

Forwarding emails is a common practice in inbox management. But what if you need to forward all emails to another address? You can set up a forwarding email address in Gmail to do this automatically. Maybe you’re preparing to switch from one email address to another, or perhaps you use Gmail for business and want others at your company to receive the emails, too.

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How to Track Your Weight with Apple’s Health App on iPhone

If you’d like to keep track of your body weight over time, Apple’s Health appIt’s easy to keep track of your weight in the Health app, but by default, the category might be a little hard to find. To find it, first, open the Health app on your iPhone. If you can’t find the app, swipe downward with one finger near the middle of your screen to bring up a search bar. Type “health,” and then tap the Health app icon. on the iPhone makes it easy.

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