Cum se instaleaza Yersinia pe Ubuntu

Yersinia este un utilitar de securitate pentru efectuarea si simularea de atacuri la Layer 2. Este conceput pentru a profita de unele slabiciuni ale diferitelor protocoale de retea. Se pretinde a fi un cadru solid pentru analizarea si testarea retelelor si sistemelor implementate. Software-ul de verificare a vulnerabilitatilor retelei
Yersinia poate sa atace urmatoarele protocoale:
1. Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
2. Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)
3. Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP)
4. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
5. Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP
6. Inter-Switch Link Protocol (ISL)
7. VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP)

Pentru instalarea utilitarului Yersinia in Ubuntu se vor urma pasii de mai jos:

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Protected View features for PDF’s

Protected View provides an additional level of security. When Protected View in enabled, PDFs are displayed in a restricted environment called a sandbox. This isolation of the PDFs reduces the risk of security breaches in areas outside the sandbox. Adobe strongly recommends that you use Acrobat in Protected View if you are concerned about security, or if you frequently interact with PDFs on the Internet.

Adobe Acrobat Reader includes a similar restricted environment called Protected Mode. For information about Reader Protected Mode, see Reader Help.

When Protected View is enabled, only basic navigation is allowed. For example, you can open PDFs, scroll through pages, and click links. You can enable Protected View in a PDF that you view in either stand-alone Acrobat or in a web browser.

PDF in stand-alone Acrobat

In Protected View, Acrobat displays a warning for a PDF that doesn’t originate from a trusted location. The warning lets you decide whether to trust the document.


You can find out whether a PDF opened in a browser is in Protected View. Right-click the document in the browser and choose Document Properties. Click the Advanced tab. When Protected View is enabled, the status says Protected Mode: On.

Security in Acrobat and PDF content
If you trust the PDF and where it came from, click Enable All Features. The PDF is added to your list of privileged locations and is trusted from then on.
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Setting up security policies for PDF’s

If you often apply the same security settings to multiple PDFs, you can save your settings as a policy that you can reuse. Security policies save time while ensuring a consistently secure workflow. Creating policies for password and certificate security lets you reuse the same security settings for any number of PDFs. Two kinds of security policies are available:

  • Organizational policies are especially useful if you want others to have access to PDFs for a limited time. Adobe Experience Manager – Forms Server (Document Security) policies are stored on a server. Users must have access to the server to use these policies. Creating these policies requires specifying the document recipients from a list on Adobe Experience Manager – Forms Server (Document Security)Adobe Experience Manager – Forms Server (Document Security) controls access to PDFs and auditing events as defined by the security policy. You can use Experience Manager – Forms Server (Document Security) if your company has licensed the software and made it available to you.
  • User policies are created and applied by individuals. If you apply the same security settings to numerous documents, you can save time by creating a user policy. Then, apply the user policy to documents. User policies for passwords and public key certificates are stored on your local computer. With access to Adobe Experience Manager – Forms Server (Document Security), you can create a user policy that’s stored on the Forms Server. That policy is available only to you.
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Password security basics Adobe Acrobat PDF

You can limit access to a PDF by setting passwords and by restricting certain features, such as printing and editing. However, you cannot prevent saving copies of a PDF. The copies have the same restrictions as the original PDF. Two types of passwords are available:

Document open password

Document Open password (also known as a user password) requires a user to type a password to open the PDF.

Permissions password

A permissions password (also known as a master password) requires a password to change permission settings. Using a permissions password, you can restrict printing, editing, and copying content in the PDF. Recipients don’t need a password to open the document in Reader or Acrobat. They do need a password to change the restrictions you’ve set.

If the PDF is secured with both types of passwords, it can be opened with either password. However, only the permissions password allows the user to change the restricted features. Because of the added security, setting both types of passwords is often beneficial.

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