Aplicatii specifice
Instalare/reinstalare aplicatii default(Office, PDF reader) 11 Solutii
Instalare/Reinstalare aplicatii predefinite (ex. Office, PDF reader) 44 Solutii
Instalare/reinstalare aplicatii la cererea clientului 26 Solutii
Instalare/Dezinstalare aplicatii cerute de client (Viewer .p7m - caiet de sarcini, Autocad) 23 Solutii
Configurare browser 143 Solutii
Configurare program 2379 Solutii
Depanare Office 72 Solutii
Depanare alte aplicatii 40 Solutii
How to view hidden files in windows 11
In windows 11 we have files that do not appear without an option being checked. Without it We can view the files.
[mai mult...]How to change the lockscreen in Windows 11
When buying a new computer, one of the first things you need to do is add a lockscreen image.
[mai mult...]How to Turn Off Silent Mode on iPhone
To turn off silent mode and bring your iPhone back to ring mode, you can either use your phone’s physical switch or use an option in the Settings app. We’ll show you both ways to disable the silent mode.
The easy way to turn off silent mode is to use the physical Ring/Silent switch. If this switch is broken or is faulty, then use an option in the Settings app to disable silent mode. In case your phone’s physical switch is stuck on silent mode, the Settings option will override that and bring you back to ring mode.
- Turn Off Silent Mode on iPhone Using the Switch
On the left side of your iPhone, you have a small switch that you can flip to switch between ring and silent mode. If your iPhone is currently in silent mode, then behind this switch, you will see orange color.
To disable silent mode and enable ring mode, flip this switch once so that you don’t see the orange color anymore.
Your iPhone is now in ring mode, and you’re all set.’
Take iPhone Off Silent Mode in Settings
If you can’t use the physical switch to deactivate silent mode, then use an option within Settings to go back to ring mode.
- To do so, first, open the Settings app on your iPhone. In Settings, tap “Accessibility.” If you don’t see this option, tap “General” and then tap “Accessibility.”
Tap “AssistiveTouch.”
Turn on the “AssistiveTouch” option.
You’ll now see a gray box on your iPhone’s screen. This box holds an option to enable and disable silent mode on your phone. To reveal that option, tap the box.
In the menu that opens, tap “Device.”
In the “Device” menu, to turn off your iPhone’s silent mode, tap “Unmute.”
And your iPhone is now out of silent mode. You may now close the box and even disable AssistiveTouch if you want.
[mai mult...]How to Set Up Voicemail on iPhone
Setting up voicemail on iPhone is a simple process that takes place in the Phone app. Open Phone and tap the Voicemail tab at the bottom.
Select “Set Up Now,” create a voicemail password, and choose if you want a Default or Custom greeting. If you pick Custom, you can record your own greeting by simply following the prompts.
Listen to Your Voicemail Messages
To access your voicemail and listen to your messages, head to the Voicemail tab in the Phone app. You’ll see a list of messages you’ve received as long as your carrier supports Visual Voicemail.
Select a message and tap the Play button to listen to it. If your wireless carrier also supports the Voicemail Transcription feature, you’ll also see your message transcribed to text. This is handy for a quick view of the message.
Note: Visit the Apple Support page to see which voicemail features are supported in your region and for your carrier.
- You’ll see a few other buttons for the voicemail message on the right side. Tap the speaker icon to hear the message in speaker mode, the phone icon to call the number back, or the trash can icon to delete the message.
- You’ll also notice a share button on the top right you can use to send or share the message using your iPhone Share Sheet options. And finally, you have an info icon (small letter “i”) for details about the call or caller.
- Adjust the Voicemail Notifications
When you have a new voicemail, you’ll see a badge app icon on the Phone app by default. You can change this by going to Settings > Phone > Notifications. This number displays all notifications from the Phone app including missed calls and voicemails.
When you open the Phone app, you’ll see a number on the Voicemail tab for the number of unplayed messages you have.
You can also set up an alert when you receive a new voicemail. Open Settings and select “Sounds & Haptics.” Pick “New Voicemail” under Sounds and Vibration Patterns.
- Tap “Vibration” at the top to choose a pattern and select one of the Alert Tones or Ringtones at the bottom for the sound. Tap “Back” on the top left to save and exit.
- Change the Voicemail Password
If you want to change the password you set up initially for voicemail, you can do this in the Settings app as well. Select “Phone,” pick “Change Voicemail Password,” enter the new password, and tap “Done.”
- Record a New Voicemail Greeting
You may also want to change the greeting you recorded for your voicemail. Open the Phone app, select the Voicemail tab, and tap “Greeting” on the top left.
Tap the Play button to hear your current greeting. To record your own, select “Custom,” press “Record” to start, “Stop” to finish, and then “Save” to use the greeting.
As you can see, setting up voicemail on iPhone is easy and worth a few minutes of your time so callers can leave you a message when you’re unavailable to answer. For additional help with calls on your iPhone, learn more about the Silence Unknown Callers feature for reducing spam calls or how to enable full-screen incoming calls.
[mai mult...]How to Leave an iPhone Group Chat on Messages
If you’re stuck in a group chat on an iPhone, it’s possible to leave the group if everyone is using iPhones (or Apple Messages) to communicate.
- How to Leave a Group Messages Chat on iPhone
First, open the Messages app on your iPhone. To leave a group chat, everyone involved in the conversation thread will need to be using the Messages app an Apple device (which uses Apple’s iMessage network). Also, you can’t leave a group chat with only three people, because it would become a two-person non-group chat, and Apple hasn’t developed a solution to that issue yet.
In Messages, navigate to the list of message threads and tap the group chat you’d like to leave. When you see the conversation listed out, tap the group of avatar icons that represent the people involved in the chat at the top of the screen.

In the overlay that pops up, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and tap “Leave This Conversation.” (In iOS 14 and earlier, tap the “i” info button first, and then tap “Leave This Conversation.”)
Confirm by tapping “Leave This Conversation” again. After that, you will no longer see new messages added to that particular group chat, but it will remain on your message threads list (You can delete it by swiping to the left an tapping the trash can icon). Feel free to repeat these steps with any other Messages group chat that doesn’t involve people using SMS.
- What to Do if “Leave This Conversation” Is Greyed Out
As mentioned above, you can’t leave an iMessage group chat with only three people as of February 2022. That’s because it would become a non-group chat (an ordinary on-on-one chat), and Apple’s iMessage software can’t handle that kind of transition at the moment. That means if you’re doing a group chat with exactly three people using Apple devices, the “Leave This Conversation” will be greyed out in the pop-up chat configuration window.
To leave the chat anyway, tap the group of avatar icons at the top of the chat screen again and add a fourth person to the chat. After that, select “Leave This Conversation” in the same menu, and you’re good to go. Hopefully Apple will fix this issue in a future update.
- Tips For Dealing with SMS Group Chats
You can’t leave a group chat if anyone in the group is using SMS for texting. This means that if anyone in the group has a non-Apple phone, such as one that runs Android, everyone in the group will be forced to use SMS group texting. SMS is a 30-year-old protocol that doesn’t support leaving a group or member moderation.
Instead, you can mute a group chat in Apple Messages thread list by swiping your finger to the left over it. When you see the icon shaped like a crossed-out bell, tap it, and the bell will no longer be crossed-out. After that, you won’t receive notifications from the group chat, but the thread will still appear on your messages list. We’re hoping that Apple will allow completely blocking an SMS group texting thread some time in the future.
You can also block individuals in the group chat by tapping their avatar icon, then tapping the “Info” button. Scroll down to the bottom of the window and tap “Block This Caller.” From then on, you won’t see messages from that person, but you’ll still see messages from anyone else who isn’t blocked in the group chat.
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