Find out if someone changes a Google Sheet spreadsheet Data 19/06/2024 Autor Aurica Victor 2 257 Notification rules let you know when any changes are made to a spreadsheet. [mai mult...]
How to show updates on Windows 11 from PowerShell Data 17/06/2024 Autor duse dorin -8 490 To show a Windows update with PowerShell commands, use these steps. [mai mult...]
Erase everything on iPhone or iPad using a computer Data 17/06/2024 Autor Madalina Spoiala 0 299 [mai mult...]
Cum deschidem fereastra Date and Time din Run Data 16/06/2024 Autor adrian cucu 0 451 Pentru a deschide fereastra Date and Time din Run trebuie sa folosim comanda timedate.cpl. [mai mult...]