How to change Autofill credit card information on your iPhone & iPad

Open the Settings app.

Tap Safari.

Tap AutoFill.

Tap Saved Credit Cards. You may need to enter your passcode or use Face or Touch ID to verify your identity.

Tap Add Credit Card. Tap Use Camera to scan the card, or enter the data manually.

When finished, tap Done in the upper-right corner of the screen.

To edit a credit card you’ve already entered, tap on the name of the card.

Tap Edit, then update the card information and tap Done.

edit credit card info

Or, tap Delete Credit Card, then Done to remove the card.

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Demonstrarea tehnologiei de “lampa in regim stroboscopic” (rezultat similar monitoarelor cu tub catodic)

O data cu retragerea monitoarelor si televizoarelor folosind tehnologia tubului catodic s-a creat un vid pentru utilizatorii ce doreau posibilitatea de a vedea clar obiecte sau texte in miscare pe ecran, putand sa distinga informatiile chiar si la viteze mari. Din fericire de cel putin 10 ani a fost comercializat un inlocuitor (partial, dar foarte bun), si anume implementand “lampi stroboscopice” ce se pot opri si re-porni de 60 ori pe secunda (sau mai des). In continuare vom vedea cum se poate observa acest fenomen pe la modul demonstrativ pe orice dispozitiv cu ecran.

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Editing values from hidden addresses in RegEdit

In some situations, we need to make changes in the registry editor at addresses that are implicitly inaccessible. Such an example can be seen in the following screenshot:

To gain access, we will need to run regedit as the “system” user – we have chosen the nirsoft AdvancedRun utility because the reputation of the creator shows a high degree of trust, including due to his long presence on the Internet.

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