Aplicatii specifice
Instalare/reinstalare aplicatii default(Office, PDF reader) 11 Solutii
Instalare/Reinstalare aplicatii predefinite (ex. Office, PDF reader) 44 Solutii
Instalare/reinstalare aplicatii la cererea clientului 26 Solutii
Instalare/Dezinstalare aplicatii cerute de client (Viewer .p7m - caiet de sarcini, Autocad) 23 Solutii
Configurare browser 143 Solutii
Configurare program 2372 Solutii
Depanare Office 72 Solutii
Depanare alte aplicatii 40 Solutii
Cum se face o analiza de date in R
R este un limbaj de programare foarte popular în domeniul analizei și viziualizării datelor. Este utilizat pentru analiza datelor statistice, explorarea datelor, vizualizarea datelor și multe alte aplicații. În acest articol vom discuta câțiva pași de bază pentru a efectua o analiză de date în R folosind un exemplu simplu.
[mai mult...]Cum faci update dronei DJI Mini 2
Sa presupunem ca ai o drona DJI Mini 2 si doresti sa ii faci update.
[mai mult...]How to Fix an Operation Did Not Complete Virus Error on Windows by Adding the File to the Antivirus Exclusion List
If you trust your file and its source, and you think your antivirus has mistakenly recognized it as a potential threat you can add it to your antivirus’ whitelist so your future access to the file isn’t blocked. This way, you can keep your antivirus enabled while still keeping your access to the file open.
[mai mult...]KeyError: ‘key_name’
The “KeyError” occurs when you try to access a dictionary key that doesn’t exist in the dictionary. This error typically indicates that you are referencing a key that is not present in the dictionary.
Consider the following code snippet:
student = {‘name’: ‘John’, ‘age’: 20}
In this example, the dictionary student
contains the keys 'name'
and 'age'
. However, when you try to access student['grade']
, which is not a valid key in the dictionary, the “KeyError” occurs.
IndexError: list index out of range
The “IndexError” occurs when you try to access an index of a sequence (such as a list or a string) that is outside the valid range of indices. This error typically indicates that you are trying to access an element at an index that doesn’t exist in the sequence.
Let’s consider the following code snippet:
In this example, the list numbers
contains three elements, indexed as 0, 1, and 2. However, when you try to access numbers[3]
, which is outside the valid range, the “IndexError” occurs.