
What Are Android Security Updates, and Why Are They Important?

android security update

In the Android world, there are basically three types of updates: big annual firmware updates that bump up the version number (11 to 12), smaller monthly security updates, and “Google Play System Updates,” which are another type of security update.

What Is an Android Security Update?

An Android Security Update is an update that is primarily geared toward improving security and fixing bugs. These updates don’t typically include features that you might notice in your daily use. When a new Android version is released, there will inevitably be issues with it. That’s just a reality of human-designed products. However, Google doesn’t want to send a full system update just to iron out some bugs. Instead, they’ll fix the problems with a smaller update.

As you might expect from the name, these updates are also very important for security reasons. Some bugs present security risks, and these can be quickly addressed with an update. Security updates can also fix vulnerabilities to new attacks that have cropped up.

These updates are sometimes called “patches,” which is a great way to think of them. They’re small fixes that contribute to the whole of the operating system.

Why Are Android Security Updates Important?

You may not notice any fancy new features when you install an Android Security Update, but they’re very important nonetheless. Software is rarely ever “done.” It constantly needs maintenance and fixes to keep it safe and secure. These smaller updates are important, as they cumulatively fix bugs and patch holes. Think of them like holes in a bucket full of water. A few tiny holes might not cause the water level to go down much, but if you punch enough holes, the entire bottom could fall out.

We mentioned before that smaller updates can quickly address new vulnerabilities, and that’s critically important, too. You don’t want to have to wait for a full version update to patch a glaring security risk. Smaller updates allow for faster turnaround time. It’s important to download these updates as soon as you can.

How to Check for Android Security Updates

With all that in mind, you’re probably wondering how to check whether you have the latest security update. It’s easy to find out. First, swipe down from the top of the screen (once or twice, depending on your device’s manufacturer). Then, tap the gear icon to open the Settings menu.

swipe down and tap the gear icon

Tap “Security.”

select security

At the top of the screen, you’ll see a “Security Status” section. Look for “Security Update” and check the date.

check the date

There’s a pretty good chance that you won’t have the update for the current month. Unfortunately, a lot of Android devices lag behind. If you have a new-ish Samsung phone or a Google Pixel, you should be up to date. You can check for an update by selecting “Security Update” and tapping the “Check for Update” button.

Tap "Check for Update."

Why Is My Android Phone behind on Security Updates?

In a perfect world, every Android device would get the latest security update at the same time. Sadly, that doesn’t happen. Each month, Google makes the fixes and posts the security update for its partners (Samsung, LG, OnePlus, etc.). It’s then up to these companies to approve the fixes, add any of their own, and release them to devices.

This is why Pixel phones typically get security updates right away. Google controls the whole process. Other devices are dependent on the manufacturer. Samsung is good at keeping its high-end devices up to date, but some lower-end phones can lag behind.

Before buying an Android phone, take some time to check what the manufacturer says about promised updates. Samsung, for example, promises four years of updates for many of its devices. Stay away from manufacturers with poor track records.

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Procedura si softuri/scripturi utile pentru devirusare sisteme cu Windows

  • Soft-uri utile pentru scanare antivirus:
  1. Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware – descarcati versiunea free, o instalati, obligatoriu updatati la zi dupa care efectuati scanarea. Este unul din cele mai bune programe AntiMalware, se completeaza cu SUPERAntiSpyware. Este free ca scanner, versiunea cu plata permite si folosirea ca modul rezident pentru scanare in timp real si update automat.
  2. SUPERAntiSpyware Free Editionhttp://www.superanti…m/download.html – descarcati versiunea free, o instalati, obligatoriu updatati la zi dupa care efectuati scanarea.
  3. Avira AntiVir Rescue System…r-rescue-system – o imagine bootabila actualizata de cateva ori pe zi. O descarcati si o scrieti pe un CD. Dupa care puteti boota de pe ea si rula o scanare. Una din cele mai bune solutii antivirus, pusa pe un CD Bootabil. Permite o scanare a sistemului ruland direct de pe CD. Din acest motiv pot ramane urme ale virusilor in registrii. Este recomandat ca dupa rularea sa, sa se efectueze o rulare a unui antivirus ( posibil tot Avira ) de data asta din sistemul de operare.
  4. Dr.Web CureIthttp://www.freedrweb…/cureit/?lng=en este un antivirus/antimalware free ce permite scanarea si eliminarea unui anumit numar de virusi. Cum nu include modul de update, va trebui descarcat si instalat de fiecare data cand este necesara o scanare.
  5. Kaspersky Virus Removal Toolhttp://support.kaspe…ool2010?level=2 este un antivirus/antimalware free, ca si Dr. Web, ce permite scanarea si eliminarea unui anumit numar de virusi. Cum nu include modul de update, va trebui descarcat si instalat de fiecare data cand este necesara o scanare.
  6. Combofix – downloadati si rulati. La final dupa dezinfectare va genera si un log util pt. identificarea eventualelor probleme nerezolvate. Permite eliminarea unui numar ridicat e malware/spyware precum si identificarea altor infectii din sistem, prin logul generat.
  7. SmitFraudFixhttp://siri.geekstog…mitfraudFix.php – Dupa descarcare, porniti calculatorul in Safe Mode si rulati executabilul pt. curatare/dezinfectare.Permite eliminarea unui numar destul de important de malware – in principiu cei mai cunoscuti, dar si eliminarea modificarilor efectuate asupra DNS-urilor de catre unii virusi.
  8. Panda Autorun Vaccinehttp://research.pand…utoRun-Vaccine/ – Previne infectarea calculatorului de pe medii portabile tip memory card, stick USB, etc. Prin vaccinarea calculatorului functia autorun va fi dezactivata. Ptr mediile de stocare va fi scris un fisier autorun.inf ce nu mai poate fi suprascris de virusi. Nota – eliminarea acestui fiser se mai poate face numai prin formatare.
  9. SMFixer – Safe Mode Fixer – http://www.sergiwa.c…s…id=2&lid=26 – Restaureaza modul Safe Mode in cazul in care in urma virusarii acesta nu mai poate fi accesat.
  10. Unhidehttp://www.softpedia…us/unhide.shtml – face exact ce spune in denumire – face sa reapara fisierele ascunse de unii virusi pe hard sau stick.
  11. Microsoft Fix-ItRestore exe – ptr Vista si 7 – http://support.micro…m/kb/2688326/ro
  • Scripturi Utile pentru devirusare / mentenanță:

– cu exceptia Emergency Utils, celelalte vor restaura setarile numai dupa ce calculatorul  fost in prealabil devirusat. Altfel nu vor avea nici un efect.
– Exceptand asocierea fisierelor care este doar ptr XP, celelalte scripturi pot merge si in Vista.

Restore all – Restaureaza Task Managerul, Regedit si Command Prompt.
Attached File   393bytes   599 downloads

Restore Exe – Restaureaza asocierea executabilelor atunci cand in urma unei virusari nu mai pot fi deschise ( apare intrebarea “cu ce program doriti sa deschideti fisierul” ). Sunt doua fisiere – incercati intai cu cel mic – Exefile. Daca nu rezolva, folositi Exefix.

Attached File   1.78K   236 downloads
Restore Associations – Restaureaza asocierea fisierelor in XP.

Attached File   2.1K   141 downloads
Restore Task Manager – Restaureaza task managerul.

Attached File   5.22K   161 downloads
Emergency utils – Creaza copii functionale ptr Task Manager, Regedit si MsConfig.
Util in cazul in care celelalte metode de restaurare nu sunt eficiente.

Attached File   7.69K   119 downloads
Ultimele 3 fisiere – Copyright Doug Knox –

Nota – unele programe sau scripturi pot fi identificate ca malware de unii antivirusi.

Important: Inainte de a rula programe de dezinfectare este recomandat sa faceti urmatoarele:
– Updatati aceste programe la zi.
– Dezactivati System Restore.
– Stergeti toate fisierele Temporare. Le gasiti in C:\Windows\Temp si in C:\Documents and Settings\ *user* \Local Settings\Temp. Unde *user* este numele utilizatorului. Este indicat sa faceti acest lucru din Safe Mode.

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