Cum sa setezi “Out of Office Assistant” in Outlook.

Configurare noua (How To)


Cum sa activezi “Automatic Replies(Out of Office)” sau “Out of Office Assistant” in Microsoft Office Outlook 2016, 2013 si 2010:


  1. Click pe tab-ul File apoi pe Info
  2. Click pe Automatic Replies (Out of Office)
  3. In casuta Automatic Replies, bifati Send Automatic Replies
  4. Daca doriti sa selectati un interval de timp si data, selectati Only send during this time range, apoi setati Start time si End time
  5. In tab-ul Inside my organization, introduceti mesajul pe care doriti sa-l transmiteti in cadrul organizatiei dumneavoastra, iar in Outside my organization, introduceti mesajul pe care doriti sa-l transmiteti in afara organizatie dumneavoastra
  6. Faceti click pe OK

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