How to Find and Delete Your Google Assistant Voice History

Configurare noua (How To)


To delete your Google Assistant voice history, head to the Google Assistant Activity site, find the entry you want to delete and select “X” next to it. To delete your entire history, choose Delete > Delete All Time, and confirm by selecting “Delete.”

Whether you’re privacy-conscious, or you just don’t want Google keeping a historyof your voice conversations with its Assistant, it’s easy to delete your voice data from Google. Here’s how to do just that on both your desktop and mobile.

Once you’ve accessed your voice data, you can either delete individual interactions you’ve had with Assistant, or you can delete all your Assistant activities.


View and Delete Your Google Assistant History

One way to delete both individual entries and entire Google Assistant history from your account is to use the Google Assistant website. On this site, you choose either individual conversations or all your data, and Google deletes them for you.

To proceed with that, open a web browser on your desktop or mobile and access the Google Assistant Activity site. Once the site loads, sign in to your Google account. After you’ve signed in, you’ll see a list of your interactions with Google Assistant. To delete an individual entry, find that entry on the list. Then, next to that interaction, select the “X” icon.

Select "X" next to an entry.

And Google will immediately remove that entry from your history. If you’d like to delete more items, repeat the above step for each item.

In case you’re looking to remove your entire Assistant history, then scroll up the Google Assistant Activity site. At the top, choose the “Delete” option.

Select "Delete" at the top.

In the menu that opens, select one of the following options:

  • Delete Today: This option deletes your Assistant activity for today.
  • Delete Custom Range: This option lets you specify a date range for which you want to clear your Assistant history.
  • Delete All Time: Choose this option to delete your entire Assistant history.
  • Auto-Delete: To allow Google to automatically clear your Assistant history when a specified time has elapsed, turn on this option.

Choose a delete option.

Depending on the option you’ve chosen, you’ll see the appropriate page. If you’ve chosen to remove your entire history, then on the page that opens, select “Delete.”

Warning: Once you’ve deleted your Assistant data, you can’t recover it, so make sure you’re okay with that.

Choose "Delete."

And that’s all. Google has cleared your chosen items from your Assistant history.

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