QuickBooks Sync Error 5_ 13944

Configurare noua (How To)


Network problems cause this error while you transfer the data. It happens because firewall setting does not allow entry to the main server.


  1. In order to fix this error, you will have to access the server: https://services.intuit.com and https://datasync.intuit.com
  2. The Intuit Sync Manager Trusted Certificate is not longer valid:
    • Go to ‘Program Data‘ in Sync Manger in your system and remove the ‘SBConnect.crt‘ file.
    • Run the ‘Sync Manager Setup‘ again.
    • In case, it is done, reset Sync settings. Follow the path: ‘Help> Manage Data Sync‘ and reset the ‘Intuit Sync Manager‘.
  3. While uploading data, there is an internal issue.
  4. Wait for some time and ‘Retry‘ again.

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