How to Clear Your Tracked Step History on iPhone

If you’ve ever set up a profile in Apple Health on your iPhone, the app will collect data on how many steps you take each day. If you’d like to clear this record of your physical activity, it’s easy to erase it in the Health app. Here’s how. First, open the Apple Health app. If you can’t find it, swipe downward with one finger in the middle of your iPhone screen, then type “health” in the search bar. Tap the “Health” app icon that appears.

Using Spotlight, search for "Health" then tap the Health icon.

In the Health app, scroll down until you see “Steps,” then tap it. (Depending on how many other health metrics you use, the “Steps” section could be located on various parts of the screen.)

In the Health app, tap "Steps."

On the “Steps” screen, scroll down to the very bottom and tap “Show All Data.”

Tap "Show All Data"

On the “All Recorded Data” screen, tap “Edit” in the upper-right corner of the screen.

Tap "Edit"

The screen will change to an edit screen where you can delete data from individual days using the red circles beside each entry. To delete all recorded step data, tap “Delete All.”

Warning: Once you delete your step data, you won’t be able to get it back.

Tap "Delete All"

After confirming the deletion, Health will erase all of your step data. This does not prevent Health from collecting future step data, however. To do so, we’ll need to take a trip to Settings in the section below.

How to Disable Apple Health Activity Tracking on iPhone

If you’ve just cleared your step data and would like to prevent the Health app from collecting activity data in the future, it’s easy to turn off in Settings. First, open the Settings app.

Tap the "Settings" icon on iPhone

In Settings, tap “Privacy.”

In iPhone Settings, tap "Privacy."

In “Privacy,” scroll down and select “Motion & Fitness.”

Tap "Motion & Fitness."

In “Motion and Fitness,” tap the switch beside “Health” to turn it off. This will prevent the Health app from receiving any future activity data from your iPhone’s sensors.

Turn off the switch beside "Health."

Alternately, you can completely disable “Fitness Tracking” at the top of the screen, but doing so will also prevent other apps from using activity data. If that’s fine with you, just switch “Fitness Tracking” to “Off.” After that, exit Settings, and you’re done. From now on, Health will no longer know how many steps you take every day. Stay healthy out there!

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What Are Android Security Updates, and Why Are They Important?

android security update

In the Android world, there are basically three types of updates: big annual firmware updates that bump up the version number (11 to 12), smaller monthly security updates, and “Google Play System Updates,” which are another type of security update.

What Is an Android Security Update?

An Android Security Update is an update that is primarily geared toward improving security and fixing bugs. These updates don’t typically include features that you might notice in your daily use. When a new Android version is released, there will inevitably be issues with it. That’s just a reality of human-designed products. However, Google doesn’t want to send a full system update just to iron out some bugs. Instead, they’ll fix the problems with a smaller update.

As you might expect from the name, these updates are also very important for security reasons. Some bugs present security risks, and these can be quickly addressed with an update. Security updates can also fix vulnerabilities to new attacks that have cropped up.

These updates are sometimes called “patches,” which is a great way to think of them. They’re small fixes that contribute to the whole of the operating system.

Why Are Android Security Updates Important?

You may not notice any fancy new features when you install an Android Security Update, but they’re very important nonetheless. Software is rarely ever “done.” It constantly needs maintenance and fixes to keep it safe and secure. These smaller updates are important, as they cumulatively fix bugs and patch holes. Think of them like holes in a bucket full of water. A few tiny holes might not cause the water level to go down much, but if you punch enough holes, the entire bottom could fall out.

We mentioned before that smaller updates can quickly address new vulnerabilities, and that’s critically important, too. You don’t want to have to wait for a full version update to patch a glaring security risk. Smaller updates allow for faster turnaround time. It’s important to download these updates as soon as you can.

How to Check for Android Security Updates

With all that in mind, you’re probably wondering how to check whether you have the latest security update. It’s easy to find out. First, swipe down from the top of the screen (once or twice, depending on your device’s manufacturer). Then, tap the gear icon to open the Settings menu.

swipe down and tap the gear icon

Tap “Security.”

select security

At the top of the screen, you’ll see a “Security Status” section. Look for “Security Update” and check the date.

check the date

There’s a pretty good chance that you won’t have the update for the current month. Unfortunately, a lot of Android devices lag behind. If you have a new-ish Samsung phone or a Google Pixel, you should be up to date. You can check for an update by selecting “Security Update” and tapping the “Check for Update” button.

Tap "Check for Update."

Why Is My Android Phone behind on Security Updates?

In a perfect world, every Android device would get the latest security update at the same time. Sadly, that doesn’t happen. Each month, Google makes the fixes and posts the security update for its partners (Samsung, LG, OnePlus, etc.). It’s then up to these companies to approve the fixes, add any of their own, and release them to devices.

This is why Pixel phones typically get security updates right away. Google controls the whole process. Other devices are dependent on the manufacturer. Samsung is good at keeping its high-end devices up to date, but some lower-end phones can lag behind.

Before buying an Android phone, take some time to check what the manufacturer says about promised updates. Samsung, for example, promises four years of updates for many of its devices. Stay away from manufacturers with poor track records.

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How to Turn off Background App Refresh on iPhone or iPad

By default, your iPhone (or iPad) lets apps check for new data in the background. It can reduce loading times when switching back to an app, but it also reduces battery life, takes a bit of cellular data, and could allow some apps to spy on you. Here’s how to turn “Background App Refresh” off.

First, open the “Settings” app on your iPhone.


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Tap the "Settings" icon on iPhone

In “Settings,” tap “General.”

In Settings on iPhone or iPad, tap "General."

In “General,” tap “Background App Refresh.”

In General, tap "Background App Refresh."

Next, you’ll see the “Background App Refresh” settings. If you’d like, you can disable Background App Refresh on an app-by-app basis here. Just tap the switch beside each app you’d like to disable to turn it off.

In 2019, the Washington Post discovered that some apps use the Background App Refresh feature to send data about your activities through the internet when you don’t suspect it, so unless you completely trust an app vendor and think the refreshing is likely useful to you, it is probably best to turn the feature off for most of your apps.

In "Background App Refresh" settings, you can turn the feature on or off for individual apps.

Luckily, Apple also makes it easy to completely disable Background App Refresh. To do so, tap “Background App Refresh” at the top of the page.

Tap "Background App Refresh" again.

On the next screen, select “Off” from the list.

In "Background App Refresh," select "Off."

After that, exit Settings, and you’re all set.

Interestingly, Background App Refresh is one of the features that gets disabled when you enable Low Power Mode on your iPhone. Your iPhone will use less battery power in idle mode from now on.

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Recuperare date smartphone

Odata cu raspandirea la scara larga a dispozitivelor digitale moderne, smartphone-ul a devenit un gadget foarte util si totodata nelipsit din viata unei persoane, astfel popularitatea acestuia aflandu-se intr-o continua crestere chiar si acum. Cu toate acestea, utilizatorii de smartphone-uri de multe ori se intalnesc cu situatii mai putin placute cum ar fi pierderea de date din cauza a diferite motive, ce tin de stergerea sau formarea intentionata sau neintentionata a dispozitivelor, actionarea unor factori externi precum apa sau foc, coruptia datelor din sistem sau de ce nu contactarea unui virus care va duce in cele din urma la pierderea informatiilor sau deteriorarea acestora.

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