How to Turn Off Read Receipts in Signal (or Turn Them On)

With a focus on privacy, you might not want those you’re communicating with on Signal to know you’ve looked at their text message. Fortunately, you can turn off read receipts and disable the indicator that shows that you have seen their communication.

Read receipts, a popular feature on other messaging apps like WhatsApp and iMessage, appear as white indicator bubbles on messages that you send in Signal. If you turn off read receipts and block the person on the other end from seeing that you’ve read their message, you lose the ability to see if they’ve read your message.

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Cum stergi contactele iPhone din iCloud cu ajutorul computerului

Pentru a modifica/gestiona contactele din contul iCloud sincronizarea acestora trebuie activata.

Accesam pagina “”

Ne logam cu contul iCloud pe care il avem configurat pe telefon, iar in prima pagina deschisa facem click pe iconita contacte.

In pagina de contacte selectam contactele pe care dorim sa le stergem.

Dupa selectare, facem click pe rotita setari din coltul stanga al ferestrei si apoi delete. Confirmam actiunea de stergere.

Contactele selectate vor fi sterse din contul icloud si automat si din telefonul sincronizat cu acest cont.

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