How do I remove a word from predictive text on my iPhone?

You can’t remove a word from predictive text, but you can force predictive text to provide a specific suggestion for a particular thing you type. If your predictive text shows an incorrect spelling or an unrelated word, the best way to fix it is to create a manual shortcut. To do this, enter the incorrect spelling as a shortcut and the correct spelling as a phrase.

[mai mult...]

Make iPhone forget predictive words

If you’re getting a lot of incorrect or unwanted suggestions, the best solution is to reset predictive text and start from scratch. Predictive text is a valuable feature that try to guess which words you’re typing or going to enter on your iPhone. It’s only helpful when it guesses correctly, though, sometimes it gets the wrong idea.

The only way to make an iPhone forget words from its predictive text dictionary is to reset the dictionary. You can’t edit individual entries in the predictive text dictionary, and you can’t remove individual words.

[mai mult...]