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Cum se instalează GLPI pe Ubuntu

GLPI este un sistem gratuit de gestionare a activelor IT, sistem de urmărire a problemelor și sistem de service desk. Acest software open source este scris în PHP și distribuit sub licența GNU General Public. GLPI poate fi folositor pentru administrarea echipamentelor IT, a userilor și poate fi folosit inclusiv ca mobile device management, prin FLyve MDM, un software Open Source ce rulează pe baza librăriilor GLPI.

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How to read, reply to, or forward protected messages from Office 365 in the iOS Mail app

  1. Your IT department must allow “service-side decryption” for the iOS Mail app.
  2. Protected messages from your organization are decrypted by Office 365 before reaching your inbox.
  3. Open the Mail app and tap the message to view it.

A decrypted message will show a safety tip about the sensitivity of the email message:

Messages that aren’t decrypted because of admin settings look like this:

4. When you reply to a message, Exchange Online will determine whether or not you have rights from your organization to do so.

If you have permission, Office 365 protects the message back to the sender. If you don’t, or the message was sent as “View only” by the sender, you’ll receive a Non-Delivery Report.

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