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How to Make a Chromebook Easier on Your Eyes at Night

Nobody likes looking at a bright blue-white display in a dark room. Switching as many apps as possible to Dark Mode is a good start, but if you have a Chromebook, you should also use the “Night Light” feature.

There have been many studies conducted on the effects of artificial light. While there’s still a lot up for debate, one thing seems to be true: humans are healthiest with blue-white light in the morning and warmer light in the evening. Enter “Night Light.”

“Night Light” is a feature that adds a warm hue to your Chromebook’s display. This has become a very common feature on computers and smartphones. It can be found built into Windows, iPhone, Android, and macOS—you don’t need f.lux anymore.

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How to Update Google Chrome on Android

By default, Google Chrome updates automatically on your Android phone. However, you can run a manual update check to find and install the latest updates. You can also enable the automatic updates option if it’s disabled. Similar to updating Chrome on a desktop, you’ll need an active internet connection on your Android phone. This is because the browser updates are downloaded from the internet.

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Activare/dezactivare rapida Windows Features folosind Run

Run ne poate ajuta sa accesam rapid fereastra Windows Features, de unde putem activa sau dezactiva un feature. De ex. putem activa .NET Framework 3.5, daca dorim sa instalam o aplicatie mai veche care foloseste aceasta prerechizita.

Run este un tool integrat in Windows pe care il folosim des in activitatea noastra pentru a accesa rapid diverse programe, Windows features sau cu care putem rula diverse comenzi.

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