How to Fix Cloudflare’s Error 1020: Access Denied
It can be frustrating to see “Error 1020: Access Denied” pop up on the screen when attempting to access a website.
What Causes Cloudflare Error Code 1020?
Cloudflare is a service that offers website owners content delivery and security features. Part of those security features is a system to block website access from IP addresses it sees as potentially dangerous, malicious, or spammy.
1020 Access Denied is an error that commonly appears when Cloudflare perceives a threat associated with your IP address or when a firewallrule has been violated. This can be because your IP address is part of a range of addresses that have been flagged as a threat. It can also be caused by incorrect browser settings.
You will only ever experience the 1020 error on a Cloudflare-protected website. And because Cloudflare is part of a website’s backend system, it isn’t something a website visitor like yourself can disable or configure. However, there are several fixes you can try if you see this error message blocking your path when browsing online.