Aplicatii specifice
Instalare/reinstalare aplicatii default(Office, PDF reader) 11 Solutii
Instalare/Reinstalare aplicatii predefinite (ex. Office, PDF reader) 44 Solutii
Instalare/reinstalare aplicatii la cererea clientului 26 Solutii
Instalare/Dezinstalare aplicatii cerute de client (Viewer .p7m - caiet de sarcini, Autocad) 23 Solutii
Configurare browser 143 Solutii
Configurare program 2379 Solutii
Depanare Office 72 Solutii
Depanare alte aplicatii 40 Solutii
Turn on iCloud Keychain on iPhone or iPad
[mai mult...]Erase everything on iPhone or iPad using a computer
[mai mult...]Cum deschidem fereastra Date and Time din Run
Pentru a deschide fereastra Date and Time din Run trebuie sa folosim comanda timedate.cpl.
[mai mult...]Cum schimbam partitia in Command Prompt folosind comanda CD
De obicei pentru a schimba o partitie in CMD folosim comanda litera partitiei (de exemplu D) urmata de :.
Dar putem ajunge la acelasi rezultat folosind si comanda change directory (cd).
How to set up a microphone in OBS for a professional television stream
Whether you’re a seasoned podcaster, a budding vlogger, or a casual gamer connecting with friends, a good microphone is only half the battle. To truly captivate your audience, you need to wield the power of microphone settings. Here’s why:
- Be Heard, Not Heard From: Imagine trying to decipher a muffled conversation. Background noise from traffic, fans, or even your keyboard can quickly turn listeners away. Proper microphone settings filter out unwanted noise, ensuring your voice cuts through cleanly.
- The Power of Perception: Crystal-clear audio creates a professional impression. Listeners subconsciously associate a well-configured microphone with quality content and a polished presenter.
- A Sound Investment: A little time spent tweaking settings can significantly improve your audio quality. This is especially important for those relying on voice to engage audiences, like podcasters and YouTubers.
By taking control of your microphone settings, you’re not just affecting the sound – you’re shaping how listeners perceive you and your content. It’s a simple step that can take your voice from background noise to center stage.