How to Enable and Use Tab Groups in Google Chrome

Configurare noua (How To)


Group Tabs example image

Are too many tabs cluttering up your Chrome browser? Google’s working on a solution to help organize all the tabs you have open. The Tab Groups feature provides neat, color-coded labeling for all your tabs. It’s available today behind a flag.

Warning: This feature is behind an experimental flag, which means Google’s developers are still working on it. Like Google Chrome’s Clipboard sharing feature, it may be buggy, or it may change dramatically in the future. It may even be removed in a future update. We tested this feature in Google Chrome 80.


How to Enable Group Tabs in Chrome

Open a new Chrome browser tab, type the following into its Omnibox (address bar) and then press the Enter key:


Type in the Flags URL into the Omnibox and hit the Enter key.

In the search bar at the top of the page, type “Tab Groups” and select “Enabled” from the dropdown menu next to the flag.

Type "Tab Groups" into the search bar and set the feature to "Enabled."

Click the “Relaunch Now” button to restart Chrome and apply the experimental flag that’s been enabled. Be sure to save any work in any open tabs. Chrome will reopen any tabs you had open, but text typed into fields on the page may vanish.

To save the changes and start using the flag, relaunch Chrome by clicking on the "Relaunch Now" button at the bottom of the page.

How to Use Tab Groups in Chrome

As soon as Chrome relaunches, you won’t notice anything different at first. To use the tab grouping feature, you’ll need to open a few tabs to use it to its full extent.

Open a few of your favorite web pages to start grouping your tabs.

Open a few tabs to get started.

Now, right-click on a tab and select “Add To New Group” from the context menu.

Right-click a tab and choose "Add to new group" from the context menu.

A colored circle will appear next to the tab, and when you click either the tab or the circle, the tab group menu will show. This is where you can name the group, change the color-coding, add a New Tab into the group, ungroup all tabs in the group, or close all the tabs that are in the group.

Click on the colored circle to open up the Tab Groups menu.

When you give the group a name, the circle disappears and is replaced by the label you gave it.

Give the group a name to distinguish it from the others.

To give your tab groups more personality, you can choose one of the eight colors available. This also helps a bit in distinguishing between groups if you don’t want to give them a name.

Change the color to give it some flair.

To add a New Tab page inside an existing group, click “New Tab In Group,” and it will appear alongside anything already in the group.

Open a new tab and immediately group it in the current tab grouping.

To add tabs to an already existing group, right-click a tab, click “Add To Existing Group,” and then choose the group you want to add it to.

Add tabs to an already existing group just as quickly.

Alternatively, drag a tab over into the existing tab group until the color encapsulates it and let it go. The tab will now be a part of the grouping.

Drag a tab into an existing group to add it an alternative way.

If you don’t like the order in which the groups are organized, it’s easy enough to re-arrange them. Drag the label/colored circle around the tab bar until you’re happy with its location.

Organize groups by dragging them around.

If you no longer want a specific tab in a group, you can remove it. Right-click on the tab and select “Remove from group.” You can also drag the tab from the group and place it in an empty section.

Right-click on a tab and choose "Remove from group" to remove a tab from the current grouping.

But if you want to disband the group altogether, you can ungroup anything just as quickly as you created it. Click on the group name and then click “Ungroup.”

Ungroup all tabs in the group by clicking "Ungroup" from the Tab Group menu.

If you’re done with everything inside the group, you can close all the tabs at once, destroying the group and everything in it. Click the designated group name and then click “Close Group” in the menu.

Close a group and all its tabs by clicking "Close group" in the Tab Groups menu.

Although Chrome’s tab grouping feature is missing a few things—like the ability to merge groups—the Tab Groups flag is a great way to organize, group, and label all the tabs you have open in your browser.

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