Preparing the main storage device in the case of non-detection by a customized windows installation kit

Configurare noua (How To)


Due to the design limitations of the “BIOS” (UEFI) on certain devices, we will notice that sometimes we cannot install windows on a perfectly functional storage device. Next up we will detail how the situation can be easily fixed using diskpart.


1. First of all, we need to get to a Command prompt with admin rights. We assume that the problematic storage medium is an SSD.

A) If we have windows already installed and a single SSD mounted, invoke Automatic repair (eg use F11 immediately after POST) -> Advanced Options -> Troubleshoot -> Command Prompt. We will need the administrator password to continue

B) If we have it as a secondary or external SSD (nvme adapter or sata.m2 to USB or sata to USB etc.) use Right Click – Run as Administrator on cmd.exe ran from windows\system32.

2. In cmd we use the following commands:

list disk
select disk 0
(usually 0 and 1 respectively)

list volume

3. We apply the following commands to each of all previously detected volumes minus those that may seem irrelevant such as “dvd-rom”
For volumes 0:
select volume 0
delete volume

If we receive an error message we can proceed, respectively for protected volumes such as the boot volume instead of delete volume we use (but we still use select volume): delete volume.

Now the installation kit should be able to detect the SSD. Eventually, problems may appear depending on the version of windows and the settings of Secure Boot (disabled may be necessary) or CSM to treat the firmware as UEFI instead of BIOS (legacy).

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