How to Reset Your Advertising ID on Android

The phone in your pocket has a unique “Advertising ID” that lets advertising companies track your app activity. While you can’t remove this ID, you can reset it to erase all your activity.

Advertising IDs are present on iPhones, iPads, Windows PCs, and Android devices. They work similarly to “cookies” in web browsers. Your activity is tracked, shared—and sometimes sold—and then used to deliver up ads that you’re more likely to click. You can’t remove or disable the advertising ID entirely. The best that you can do is to “reset” the ID. This wipes the slate clean, and if you do it regularly, you won’t build up a big log of information. You can also opt out of personalized ads.

First, swipe down from the top of the screen once or twice, and then tap the gear icon to open the Settings menu.

Scroll down and select the “Google” settings.

Select the "Google" settings.

Next, select “Ads.”

Select "Ads."

Tap “Reset Advertising ID.”

First, tap "Reset Advertising ID."

Select “OK” from the confirmation pop-up.

Select "OK" from the confirmation pop-up.

Toggle the switch on for “Opt Out of Ads Personalization.”

Now toggle the switch on for "Opt Out of Ads Personalization."

Select “OK” from the confirmation pop-up.

Select "OK" from the confirmation pop-up.

That’s all there is to it! Getting ads that are more likely to be relevant to your interests might not sound awful, but there are obvious privacy concerns involved. You’ve taken back a little bit of your privacy.

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How to Reset Your Advertising ID on iPhone

Advertising IDs are used by companies to send you targeted ads based on your activity. Each iPhone has its own unique advertising ID—at least, they used to. Can you still reset the ID on your iPhone or iPad?

The idea behind an advertising ID is similar to the one behind browser cookies. Companies use things like your location, shopping habits, and app usage to show you ads that you’re more likely to interact with. If you care about privacy, it’s something to think about. There’s good news for iPhone users, though. Starting in iOS 14, apps are forced to ask before they can track your activity. You no longer have to worry about “resetting” your advertising ID. In fact, you can even stop all apps from requesting to track you.

What you can still do is turn off personalized ads. This will limit the number of targeted ads that you see, but not the number of total ads.

  • First, open the “Settings” app from your iPhone or iPad home screen.

Open the "Settings" app.

Select “Privacy” from the Settings.

Select "Privacy" from the menu.

Tap “Apple Advertising” at the bottom.

Now tap "Apple Advertising" at the bottom.

Simply toggle off the switch for “Personalized Ads.”

Simply toggle off the switch for "Personalized Ads."

That’s all there is to it! Apple has done a lot to limit how apps can track you, which makes things like advertising IDs less scary on iPhones.

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Cum se resetează ID-ul de publicitate pe iPhone

ID-urile de publicitate sunt folosite de companii pentru a vă trimite anunțuri targetate pe baza activității dvs. Fiecare iPhone are propriul ID de publicitate unic – cel puțin, așa era înainte. Mai poți reseta ID-ul de pe iPhone sau iPad?

Ideea din spatele unui ID de publicitate este similară cu cea din spatele cookie-urilor din browser. Companiile folosesc date precum locația, obiceiurile de cumpărături și utilizarea aplicațiilor pentru a arăta reclame cu care ai mai multe șanse să interacționezi. Dacă îți pasă de confidențialitate, ar trebui să te gândești la acest lucru. Totuși, există vești bune pentru utilizatorii de iPhone. Începând cu iOS 14, aplicațiile sunt obligate să te întrebe înainte de a-ți putea urmări activitatea. Nu mai trebuie să vă faceți griji cu privire la “resetarea” ID-ului de publicitate. De fapt, poți chiar să oprești toate aplicațiile să ceară să te urmărească.

Obs: Cum să oprești aplicațiile de pe iPhone să nu-ți mai ceară să-ți urmărească activitatea

Ceea ce puteți face în continuare este să dezactivați reclamele personalizate. Acest lucru va limita numărul de anunțuri direcționate pe care le vedeți, dar nu și numărul total de anunțuri.

  • În primul rând, deschide aplicația “Settings” (Setări) de pe ecranul principal al iPhone sau iPad.

  • Atingeți “Apple Advertising” în partea de jos.

  • Pur și simplu dezactivați comutatorul pentru “Personalized Ads.”

Asta e tot ce trebuie să faci! Apple a făcut multe pentru a limita modul în care aplicațiile te pot urmări, ceea ce face ca lucruri precum ID-urile publicitare să fie mai puțin suparatoare pe iPhone.

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How to Track Prices in Google Chrome on Android

There are plenty of tools you can use to track the prices of products online, but what if your browser could do it by itself? Thanks to a feature in Google Chrome for Android, you can do exactly that.

  • First, open the Google Chrome app on your Android device. Flags are available for Chrome on almost every platform, but this one is exclusive to Android.
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