Auto CC/BCC mail telefon Android

Mail-ul de serviciu foloseste un server tip POP3, deoarece server-ul tip POP3 nu stocheaza sent-urile pe server, nu putem tine o evidenta a mail-urilor trimise de pe telefonul mobil, asadar cum putem preintampina aceasta situatie pentru a pastra evidenta a mailurilor trimise?

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How to Protect Telegram Messages With a Passcode on Android

Telegram has an app-based passcode lock system. This passcode lock needs to be set up on each device individually. The passcode isn’t synced between your devices, and it isn’t linked to your Telegram account. If you forget the passcode, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the Telegram app.

You’ll get all your Telegram chats back if this happens, but you will lose out on all the Secret Chats. The messages are deleted, as they aren’t synced using Telegram’s servers and are instead stored locally on the device.

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